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What does a Christian view of economics look like?  Join me for this ultra-relevant, half-credit high school level course and find out!  We'll explore "honest" money, the imperative of private property in order to fulfill the stewardship commands of Scripture,  look at many of the most common fallacies surrounding how "money" works and see how socialism fails in the real world as God created it.


This class also features an historical perspective on economic policy in America with a focus on the New Deal as a turning point, along with assignments addressing current economic events and issues.  Please take a look at the comprehensive class SYLLABUS including a book and supply list and be in touch with any questions you may have!  Ready to register?  Here's the REGISTRATION FORM & DIRECTIONS you'll need!


NOTE: This class is pre-recorded, video-based and hosted on the Canvas platform.

Principles of Economics

  • Full access to this .5 Credit course is $200. However, please don't "Add to Cart" as I no longer take online payment through my website.


    Instead, read over the SYLLABUS first to be sure you understand parent requirements for the class : ) Then, you can register by printing out THIS REGISTRATION FORM. Instructions for "offline" payment via check or Zelle are on that form (or email me if you have questions).


    This 15-week, self-paced course is designed as a providential and principled approach for high school students to receive a half credit in Economics. A detailed SYLLABUS is available with course overview, book list and registration information.


    Feel free to begin at any time; you'll have a full year of access (more if needed) to the web-based 15-week class, along with LOTS of extra resources.


    A physical "Parent Pack" will be mailed to you which contains weekly teaching tips, detailed rubrics and sample assignments to use in evaluating homework and coaching your student(s) towards excellence. You'll also have access to an online gradebook for ease of calculating and maintaining a running average and for grade reporting if needed.


    I'm also available by phone or email to consult with you or your student throughout the course - it's my pleasure to talk all things "property & stewardship" - in other words "economics!"

  • While THIS Video Orientation is for American Government, it may still be helpful in catching the vision behind my classes. Feel free to skip around if you don't need ALL the details ; )

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